Contract Type
Individual Consultant (Deliverable)
Individual Consultant 4
Salary scale
Individual Consultant Scale
Contract Duration
100 Days
Job Reference


The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page. 


The National Consultant for Preparation of a GCF Concept Note on Sustainable Biomass Sourcing and use in East African Community (EAC) Countries assignment has the following objective.

The primary objective of this assignment is to support the development and submission of a concept GCF proposal for the named EAC countries on “sustainable biomass energy sourcing and use in East African Community (EAC) Countries” for submission to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). It will assess the current biomass sourcing situation in the EAC region, identifying sustainable practices and opportunities, and develop a framework for sustainable sourcing, focusing on efficient resource management, improved harvesting techniques, and alternative biomass sources. A GCF concept note that aligns with regional climate goals, energy security aspirations, and the SDGs while addressing environmental, social, and economic challenges will be designed. Additionally, the consultant will engage relevant stakeholders to ensure the program meets local needs and priorities.



Wood-based biomass is the dominant source of energy for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (World Bank 2011 Page v)[1]. However, its development and efficient use has not been receiving the same attention as commercial forms of energy, namely oil, gas, coal and hydro and other forms of electricity—at national and international levels. The intention of this concept is to support the creation of sustainable wood-based biomass energy sectors to help EAC countries in achieving a just energy transition, SDGs, NDCs, energy security, low-carbon growth and sustainable natural resources management. Moreover, a sustainable wood-based biomass energy sector would release / unleash the economic value of biomass products (Charcoal, fuelwood and briquettes) and employ a significant number of people.

It is against this realization that the eight EAC countries (Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda) intend to deliver a sustainable “Solid biomass, largely firewood, charcoal as part of the region’s final energy consumption”; considering that some EAC community countries are at different stages of this realization.

In line with the goals of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to support climate action in developing countries, the Governments of Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda working through their respective ministries, departments and agencies responsible for energy, environment, forestry and agriculture (in partnership with relevant government and non-government entities, local communities and stakeholders, especially women and the private sector are desirous to work together and with the AfDB to create a programme (“sustainable biomass energy sourcing and use in East African Community (EAC) Countries”) for sustainable biomass energy sourcing that will be presented for GCF funding. The concept note will outline a proposal to sustainably manage biomass sourcing while enhancing energy access and promoting low-carbon development.

Against this backdrop, GGGI with funding from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO is seeking the services of a national consultant to develop a GCF Concept note sustainable biomass energy sourcing and use in East African Community (EAC) Countries



The concept note will be prepared as follows;

  • The maximum number of pages should not exceed 12 pages, excluding annexes but covering information required for the following sections of the GCF Concept Note Template:
    • A. Project/Programme Summary (max. 1 page)
    • B. Project/Programme Information (max. 8 pages)
    • C. Indicative Financing/Cost Information (max. 3 pages)
    • D. Supporting documents submitted (OPTIONAL) as elaborated in the task below
    • Self-awareness check boxes
    • Supporting documents as annexes including the following:
      • Map indicating the location of the project/programme
      • Diagram of the theory of change
      • Economic and financial model with key assumptions and potential stressed scenarios
      • Pre-feasibility study
      • Results of environmental and social risk screening
      • Initial Gender assessment and action plan
      • Process framework for Stakeholder consultations at national and project level implementation including with indigenous people as relevant



The deliverables shall be submitted as indicated below.



Scope of Deliverable




Inception Report

This shall include:

1.1   An inception report should be prepared to detail the tasks understanding and show how each task will be met, proposed methods, sources of data and data collection procedures, a detailed work plan, and delivery schedule.

Within 2 weeks after contract signing




Draft Concept note


This shall include:

2.1   Detailed review and update of the problem analysis and logic of intervention including the review of key documents (e.g. EAC baseline reports and assessments, EAC energy policy and Member State energy policies and action plans, or strategic documents, and past and on-going projects)

2.2   Review and assess the current biomass sourcing situation in the EAC region, gaps and identify sustainable practices and opportunities.

2.3   Develop a regional approach for sustainable biomass sourcing, focusing on efficient resource management including but not limited to, improved harvesting techniques, and the promotion of alternative biomass sources.

2.4   Engage with a broad range of stakeholders across the EAC countries in an inclusive manner, to gather a diversity of views. The consultant shall facilitate participatory discussion and conduct in-depth assessments where required

2.5   A draft of the full concept note covering all sections (summary, project information, financing, and supporting documents). It should clearly quantify and qualify the expected benefits, with measurable indicators for economic growth, social impact, and environmental sustainability while Integrating context specific gender-sensitive approaches. The draft concept note would then be shared with key stakeholders for feedback

Within 10 weeks after contract signing




Final Concept note


3.1   Consolidation of all assignment inputs, stakeholder feedback and deliverables into a final report (soft copy) to be shared with key stakeholders and GGGI

3.2   Submit the final GCF concept note for approval and subsequent submission to the GCF.

Within 12 weeks




1. Cost for workshops

Costs related to workshops (excluding the time expenses) will be covered by GGGI on an actual basis following GGGI’s cost norms for the relevant year. Workshops need to be pre-approved by GGGI based on a concept note, suggested participant list and accompanying budget. The consultant will need to fully support the workshops’ preparation and documentation.

2. Cost of travel 

Costs related to travel with the exception of costs for commuting within Kampala will be borne by GGGI. The consultant may be accompanied to workshops in different countries by GGGI staff.  If the consultant engages other third-party colleagues, on this assignment, he/she shall be liable for their travel and accommodation arrangements.

3. Reporting arrangements

  • The consultant shall be supervised by the Project Manager who they shall work with on a day-to-day basis.
  • The consultant’s work progress will be monitored primarily through periodic review meetings, as jointly agreed, and specified in the inception phase. The consultant is also expected to regularly update on progress on deliverables to date; and actual achievements made against the timeline set.
  • The Consultant shall submit the Final Report which should reflect the outcome of all activities prepared by the consultant. The report should also give recommendations for further activities to be carried out in order to ensure long-term sustainable development of the measure.
  • All relevant technical papers, reports, and other documents prepared from the start to the end of the assignment shall be attached to the Final Report.
  • The Consultant shall submit the report in both hard copies and electronic versions readable by a Microsoft Office application.
  • All outputs must be in English. In addition, the Consultant may be required to submit the outputs in other languages. 
  • The Consultant shall consider the comments and necessary revisions proposed. Within 14 days from the receipt of the comments or modification proposal from the GGGI, the Consultant shall prepare and submit the final versions of the report. 



1) Education:

Advanced university degree (Masters) in natural resources management, economics, renewable energy, environmental economics, climate change, climate finance, international development, or environmental engineering or other disciplines related to sustainability, development, environmental management, or green growth.

2) Experience:

  1. At least 5 years’ experience in deployment of renewable energy solutions particularly biomass technologies, renewable energy finance and climate change resource mobilization.
  2. At least 2 years of experience in biomass energy sourcing, policy, demand and supply dynamics in a developing country context
  3. Good understanding of GCF Processes for proposal preparation, the GCF investment criteria and familiarity with the policies and procedures of international financing institutions and/or development finance institutions.
  4. Extensive experience and track record in the engagement of government and private sector stakeholders on climate change or environmental project development/implementation.
  5. Previous experience in providing technical assistance to government institutions is an asset.
  6. An excellent command of spoken and strong writing skills is required.
  7. High level of self-motivation as well as diplomatic tact and political awareness.
  8. Demonstrable use of PowerPoint or similar tools to engage and educate others in complex topics will be needed


  • This is a competitive tender, and interested individuals should submit their application through the GGGI procurement portal
  • The consortium, or a firm may not be engaged for the individual consultant assignment.

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Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.